The Misadventures of a tiny home builder and his aspiring actress girlfriend.



When we are not busy building tiny homes or aframes, which is pretty much all the time, you can find us working on our Show, because maybe it doesn’t make others laugh, but we can’t stop.

Worklife in the Shop

Jelli comes to the shop to “help” Kenni out but usually causes more mayhem than good and distracts Kenni with her self tapes and filming. She likes to turn Kenni’s cutting room into her production studio. Kenni just wants to get back to work.

Come meet Jelli and Kenni

Jelli had the great idea to change Kenny’s name to Kenni so that their names would match for the show. She thought it was the best idea and that maybe they could even call it tini homes. Kenni responded with “Uh no, I’m trying to get ready for work “Ken (I)” please be left alone and continue my shower in peace and quiet?”